Strategies to Help Tweens & Teens

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New Livestreams! Strategies for Tweens/Teens

Streaming live April 14, 2025 (Part 1) & May 6, 2025 (Part 2)

We can help you unpack the social world and engage tweens & teens

For more than 25 years, Social Thinking® has been at the forefront of teaching developmental social competencies—helping tweens & teens unpack the social world to guide and support their social, emotional, and organizational learning and development.

What’s that mean? Given that social information is rarely explained directly, it can be confusing for social learners to make sense of what’s going on around them from both a social and an organizational perspective. Within the Social Thinking Methodology, we focus on teaching these concepts through the use of explicit teaching frameworks and strategies to help all people better navigate to regulate in the social world based on what they want for themselves.

Free Webinars—Learn Essential Social Thinking Concepts for Free


Books and Games for Tweens, Teens & Young Adults

On Demand Courses—Practical Strategies You Can Use Right Now

Combating Loneliness and Misbehavior

Download this free visual with practical ideas for initiating social conversations, which Michelle Garcia Winner presents in this course.

Loneliness is a dangerous national epidemic that has been growing in depth and complexity for many years. Loneliness not only endangers our mental and physical health, but it also can make us less kind and caring toward others, resulting at times in misbehavior at schools and within our communities. We’ll explore a range of research-informed ways we can cultivate meaningful relationships with others to foster our well-being, as well as kindness, empathy, and generosity of spirit toward others. Now more than ever, building social awareness, managing anxiety, and developing social communication strategies to combat this growing crisis of loneliness is critical for school-age children, tweens and teens, and all the way through the adult years.


1.5 hours of CE credit available for select professionals.

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Emotional Regulation

What’s Alexithymia?

How Does It Affect Emotional Regulation and Awareness?

What is alexithymia? It refers to challenges in developing awareness of one’s feelings, identifying, and distinguishing them from other physical sensations—and it’s gaining interest in the research, schools, and clinical arenas. Educators and parents have reported an increase in overall “regulation” challenges in the classroom, on the playground, and during small group activities. We’ll highlight select key aspects of emotional awareness and regulation and its role in perspective taking. Specifically, we’ll explore how alexithymia can impact the building blocks for spontaneous perspective taking across all contexts. We will suggest practical strategies to increase awareness of feelings within the perspective-taking process to use within the classroom, school, community, and home.


1.5 hours of CE credit available for select professionals.

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Social Life Skills

5 Critical Life Skills for Tweens, Teens and Young Adults

That Often Remain Untaught

Tweens, teens, and young adults are expected to naturally develop social and organizational competencies needed in school and across their lives. However, students with social learning and organized thinking differences (e.g., ADHD, twice exceptional, expressive receptive language, sensory processing, autism levels 1 and 2, etc.) may not intuitively learn these concepts and skills. This course will explore 5 critical life skills related to social emotional learning and organized thinking that can and should be directly addressed and taught to students & clients ages 11-22 in our homes, schools, and clinics. We’ll also review a variety of explicit metacognitive frameworks and practical strategies for teaching and learning these critical social competencies.


2 hours of CE credit available for select professionals.

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Engagement & Social Connection

Small Talk & Conversations

Strategies to Demystify Conversational Complexities

Small talk and conversations are dynamic, and we cannot create reliable scripts for how they will unfold. We can, however, increase our students' awareness of why we engage in social exchanges such as small talk. In this online course, we will unpack the complexities of small talk and conversation. We’ll break these down into their component parts to build strategies that support engagement in initial and ongoing social connection for children, teens, and adults.


3.5 hours of CE credit available for select professionals.

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Executive Functioning

Raising an Organized Child

Strategies to Promote Executive Functions

In two keynotes, Dr. Damon Korb, MD FAAP and developmental behavioral pediatrician, and Michelle Garcia Winner, MA, CCC-SLP and founder of the Social Thinking® Methodology, will connect the dots between executive functions—including self-regulation and perspective taking—and creative, practical strategies to foster organized thinking. Damon’s keynote will explain five important steps professionals can learn to guide parents in how to raise an organized child. He will also present strategies and lessons he has learned during his 20 years as a developmental and behavioral pediatrician to help foster children’s active engagement of organized thinking, the kind of learning and functions they’ll use throughout their lives. Michelle’s keynote will focus on how to help students/clients develop friendships. How do people make friends? How do we keep them? What creative strategies can we teach to help tweens and teens learn to invest in these important but complicated relationships?


3 hours of training and CE credit available for select professionals

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Free Stuff for Home & School

Free Video Lesson


Allison King | MS, CCC-SLP
Social Thinking San Jose, Clinical Director

Everyone has thoughts! How do we know what other people are thinking? How can we let other people know what we are thinking about? How do we get thoughts from one brain to another? The only way to do it is to bridge your brains!

What is Social Thinking?

Strategies to Build Social Competencies

The Social Thinking Methodology provides evidence-based strategies to help people ages four through adult develop their social competencies, flexible thinking & social problem solving to meet their own social goals and improve:

Our Methodology

What People Are Saying About Social Thinking
