Free Article: Treatment Options and Parent Choice: An Individualized Approach to Intervention

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Treatment Options and Parent Choice: 'An Individualized Approach to Intervention'

Treatment Options and Parent Choice

An Individualized Approach to Intervention

Originally Published by Autism Spectrum Quarterly - Winter 2008

Choices about educational and treatment approaches may be among the most important, yet anxiety-arousing decisions made by parents of Autistic children. A few decades ago, the limited amount of information and number of choices available for supporting children with autism were sources of great frustration for parents. Today, the myriad educational and treatment approaches, and claims of success associated with some of them—most often made by those most invested in those approaches—are sources of overwhelming confusion for many parents.

Written By: Dr. Barry Prizant

In this article, Dr. Barry Prizant explores the concept of parent choice and family-centered philosophy and practice and critically reviews current practices in educational and treatment approaches for children with ASD from those perspectives

Dr. Barry Prizant is Director of Childhood Communication Services and an adjunct professor in the Center for the Study of Human Development, Brown University. Dr. Prizant has more than 45 years of experience as a researcher and international consultant to children and adults with Autism Spectrum. He and Dave Finch co-host Uniquely Human: The Podcast, which expands the conversation on autism and neurodiversity by amplifying the voices of autistic individuals and thought leaders in providing insightful, cutting-edge, and practical information about the autistic experience.

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